Keywords: performance, sound, light, participative, deafness, cyborg

Ex Silens

World Premiere: CTM Festival, February 2024, Radialsystem, Berlin

What is deafness if not another mode of perception? What is a cyborg if not an exploded mirror of today’s corporeal experience? Ex Silens combines movement, sound, space and technology to dive deep into the corporeal knowledge at the edges of experience.

The piece invites audiences into a radically alternative sensorium, a perceptual place where the “normal” does not exist. Here they encounter an otherwordly, ingenuous creature and a bare bones, posthuman totem. With the audience as accomplices, the creature and the totem touch and fuse with one another, entering a material, sonic, and conceptual feedback.

Tender and extreme at once, Ex Silens is a ritual of sensory reorganization. An audiovisual composition experienced through eight subwoofers, an ambisonic speaker system and a rig of interactive lights produce trance-inducing seismic waves, while a choreography of touch, caresses and improvised interactions unites audience and performer in a strange and engrossing intimacy.

Cochlear implants and AI hearing algorithms are extracted from their capitalist black box, subverted and turned into sonic organs with their own agencies. They respond to the creature’s movement, mingle with the public and amplify sounds from muscles, heart and blood to physically diffuse them through the bodies of audience.

These new organs, conceived and handcrafted by the artist, are far from individual aiding tools; they are organs of sharing. They do not try to repair a loss, but rather magnify a kaleidoscopic sound world that has always been there, mobilizing thus collective, sensible forms of being.

Ex Silens is part of the series I Am Your Body (2022-present), a project investigating deafness, sound, and (artificial) intelligence through participatory research driven by d/Deaf and hard-of-hearing people. The piece offers a complete audiovisual experience to d/Deaf and non-d/Deaf audiences. Each individual can participate in the performance according to their sensory configurations.


“[Ex Silens] ranks in my top three CTM Festival experiences right next to Thomas Ankersmit fucking with everyone’s ears at HAU1 that one time and Kevin Richard Martin premiering »Sirens« in Berghain a year or two later. »Ex Silens« is distinct from those two because it is not primarily about sound and our own or another mode of perception of it, but how we perceive the perception of the Other. What I’m trying to say with this is that never in my life have I felt such an intense urge to become included in a performance by being touched by a performer, that rarely in my life have I felt such a need to bawl my eyes out after a performance (which I then didn’t do).”
Kristoffer Cornils, Konkrit

“It is not so easy to make the space of Radialsystem one’s own place. Marco Donnarumma, however, succeeded with astonishing ease. Even before sound became audible, everyone’s attention was focussed on the crawling, writhing creature that Donnarumma temporarily makes breathe and resonate in “Ex Silens”. Touching, also frightening, but above all inspiring, for, at the end of the show, one brings home many new questions.”
Thomas Venker, Kaput Magazin

“For Donnarumma sounds could be vibrations that are transmitted through the air and then become voice, music or a soundscape. Or vibrations that can only be felt through the skin. There are also sounds that cannot be heard, but can only be perceived by observing their effects on the environment, like the wind. Donnarumma develops instruments to turn the inaudible into perception.”
Sarah Heppekausen, Kultur.West

Audience feedback

“I’ll remember this performance for the rest of my life wtff.”

“Flesh, heartbeat and low frequencies. That was stunningly intimate.”
Olya Karlovich


  • UK Premiere: Edinburgh Futures Institute
    EFI, Edinburgh, UK, 2024
  • CH Premiere: MESH Festival
    Basel, CH, 2024
  • internationale tanzmesse nrw
    Project presentation. Düsseldorf, Krefeld & Leverkusen, DE, 2024
  • World Premiere. CTM Festival
    Two shows. Radialsystem, Berlin, DE, 2024
  • Public preview. I Am Your Body
    PACT Zollverein, Essen, DE, 2023


Evening-length piece for solo performer, distributed AI prostheses and (un)sound.
Duration: 75 minutes
Media: Artificially intelligent sensory prostheses using artificial life algorithms and interactive machine learning, biosensors, interactive LED lighting, computer-processed sound, multi-channel sound diffusion


Concept, artistic direction, performance, choreography, dramaturgy, interactive AI music and programming: Marco Donnarumma
Prostheses’ concept, morphology, engineering, fabrication and AI programming: Marco Donnarumma
Collaborative research on hardware and AI software: Intelligent Instruments Lab at the Iceland University of the Arts
Stage design: Marco Donnarumma, Anna Cingi
Light design: Andrea Familari
Prostheses’ visual design, 3D modeling and 3D printing: Anna Cingi
Additional prostheses’ 3D modeling and 3D printing: Christian Schmidts
Collaborative research group: Wojciech Czernia, Adriane Große, Ann-Catrin Gruber, Martin Holst, Mara Matzke
Artwork’s description texts: Marco Donnarumma
Live photography: Eunice Maurice and Stefanie Kulisch for CTM Festival
Photography: Manuel Vason
Video trailer: Marco Donnarumma
Camera for video trailer: Daniele Lucchini
External eye: Margherita Pevere, Jan Rohlf
Production: Kotryna Slapsinskaite

Ex Silens is an artwork and production by Marco Donnarumma. Co-produced by PACT Zollverein and with scientific support by the Intelligent Instruments Lab at the Iceland University of Arts in Reykjavík. Funded by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia as a Medienkunstfellow.