Fluid Flesh and Rhythmic Skin: On the Unfinished Bodies of Stelarc

The performance work of Stelarc is likely one of the most written about in the field. His practice is controversial in nature: it involves experiments with physical body modification and intimately violent interaction with machines, as well as a wide bibliography of non-academic, poetic text which often feature emphatic writing style. As it emerges from interviews, Stelarc is curious and determinate to explore the ways in which the parts of his body can be configured in forms and shapes that differ from his natural physical body. Such is the drive of his practice and this text is an attempt to get a close look at his work from that viewpoint. To do so, this chapter will attempt to look beneath the cultural and political impact of Stelarc’s practice and analyse the logic that underpins his works. Drawing on Simondon, Stiegler and Deleuze, Stelarc’s works are analysed through three core notions: unfinishedness, subtraction and sensation.
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