Portrait by Lena Maria Loose, Plänterwald, Berlin.


b. 1984, Italy. Lives and works in Berlin.
Media/sound/performance artist, inventor, director, and theorist.
Co-founder of performance group Fronte Vacuo.
Composer, producer and musician with Dadub and Leiche.


I configure bodies and machines to navigate the boundaries of experience. My work aims to provoke resonating experiences that challenge how powers of society regulate the human body. Transdisciplinary in nature, my practice combines contemporary performance, new media art, and interactive computer music into solo performances, productions, installations, and films that defy categorization.*

Rooted in movement research and sound art, I take those disciplines into strange encounters with light, robotics and AI to create a sensual, uncompromising aesthetic. To do so, I invent and handcraft body technologies, such as AI-driven robotic prosthesis and biophysical instruments that explore visceral forms of interaction and create music from the sounds of the human body. In depth collaboration with scientific laboratories is integral to my creative process.

I’m considered a pioneer in the field of performing arts and emerging technologies*, and my works toured 36 countries across disciplines: new media and digital art (ZKM, Chronus Art Center, LABoral, Kontejner, Ars Electronica), theater (Wiener Festwochen, European Theater Forum, Volkstheater Wien, Münchner Kammerspiele), dance (tanzhaus nrw, tanzmesse, PACT Zollverein, Bunker SI, Antistatic), contemporary music (IRCAM, World New Music Days, Sónar +D, musikprotokoll), and contemporary art (Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Ming Contemporary Art Museum, HeK Basel, Museo del Carme, CENART). I have participated in numerous biennials (West Bund Biennale Shanghai, NEMO Biennale, WRO, Meta.Morf) and festivals (transmediale, CTM, Donaufestival, Panorama).

I write on music, performance, and technology, integrating aesthetics, feminist studies, and critical theory with scientific research. My writings are published, among the others, in Performance Research, Computer Music Journal, ACM Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, and cultural outlets such as Hyperallergic and Furtherfield. My next book chapter with Elizabeth Jochum will appear in “Robot Theaters” (Routledge), and I’m writing an essay for Frontiers in Computer Science.

My work earned numerous accolades, among which the Digitalive Award at Romaeuropa Festival for Eingeweide with Margherita Pevere, two awards at the Bains Numériques Biennial, and the Award of Distinction in Sound Art (second prize) at Prix Ars Electronica for Corpus Nil. I was named Artist of the Science Year 2018 by the German Federal Ministry of Research and Education for Amygdala and won first prize in the Guthman Musical Instrument Competition for the XTH Sense.

I hold a Ph.D. in performing arts, computing, and body theory from Goldsmiths, University of London. I am an Associate Researcher at the Intelligent Instruments Lab, Reykjavik and I have been a Medienkunst Fellow at medienwerk.nrw. Earlier research fellowships include the Berlin University of the Arts and the Academy for Theater and Digitality. My work has been funded by the European Research Commission, Goethe-Institut, Fonds Darstellende Künste, Berlin Senate, and the Rockefeller Foundation, among others.

* Excerpts from press quotes; see below.

“When it comes to emerging technologies and the performing arts, Marco is a pioneer.”
Margarete Affenzeller, Der Standard

“Donnarumma has taken man-machine interfacing one step further.”
Dr. Ahmed Morsy, Deputy Editor in Chief, IEEE Pulse Magazine

“Paul Virilio called progress a ‘medusa that one must look at directly with a mirror’, Donnarumma’s work can be understood as such a mirror.”
Daniela Silvestrin, Curator, Germany

“Technical, compelling and powerful.”
Teddy Lo, Artist and Curator, Hong Kong

Corpus Nil defies categorization.”
Prix Ars Electronica Jury, International

Education & Research

2022/24 Research Associate, Intelligent Instruments Lab, IS
2020/21 Research Fellow, Academy for Theater and Digitality
in partnership with Theater Dortmund, DE
2016/18 Research Fellow, Berlin University of the Arts
in partnership with the Neurorobotics Research Laboratory at Beuth-Hochschule, Berlin, DE
2012/16 Ph.D. Arts & Computational Technology, Goldsmiths, University of London. Supervisors: Atau Tanaka, Matthew Fuller. Examiners: Lisa Blackman, Sergi Jordà.
2010/12 MScR with Honors Sound Design, University of Edinburgh
2004/07 BA with Honors New Technologies for the Arts, Venice Academy of Fine Arts


2025 Niranthea, Honorary Mention, Experimental Forum, Intern. Film & Video Art Festival, US
2021 Amygdala, First Prize in Art Category, Magic Machine Award, RosyDX, C. Rockefeller Center, Netzwerk Medien Kunst and Technische Sammlungen Dresden, DE
2018 Eingeweide, w/ Margherita Pevere, First Prize, Digital Award, Romaeuropa Festival, IT
2018 Corpus Nil, First Prize for Performing Arts / Prix “Adami”, Bains Numériques Biennial, FR
2018 Corpus Nil, First Prize of the Press Jury / Prix “Presse”, Bains Numériques Biennial, FR
2018 Amygdala, Wissenschaftsjahr Preis for Art and Science, German Federal Ministry for Education and Research and Wissenschaft im Dialog, DE
2017 Corpus Nil, Award of Distinction (second Prize) for Sound Art, Prix Ars Electronica, AT
2017 Corpus Nil, Nomination, Ars Electronica STARTS Prize, AT
2014 Nigredo, First Prize, Cynetart Award for Computer Based Art, DE
2013 Nigredo, Second Prize, TransitioMX Award for New Media Art, MX
2012 XTH Sense/Music for Flesh II, First Prize, Margaret Guthman New Musical Instrument Competition, US
2006 TheSAD, First Prize, Bersi la Musica, Live Electronic Music Competition, IT
2005 Autoctono by Chiglia:e:remi, Contest Winner, italian eXperimental electronic music and mixed media, IT


2024 ZER01NE Creator Project Funding, ZER01NE + Hyundai, KR
2023 NEUSTART KULTUR #TakeHeart Residency Funding, Fonds Darstellende Künste. In partnership with tanzhaus nrw / Bündnis internationaler Produktionshäuser, DE
2022-23 Medienkunst Fellowship, Medienwerk.nrw, DE
2022 NEUSTART KULTUR #TakeHeart Residency Funding, Fonds Darstellende Künste. In partnership with tanzhaus nrw / Bündnis internationaler Produktionshäuser, DE
2020/22 AUTONOM Production Grant, Fonds Darstellende Künste, DE
2020/21 Kofinanzierungsfonds, Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe, DE
2018 Goethe-Institut, International Coproduction Fund
in partnership with CTM Festival, Chronus Art Center and Nunu Kong, Berlin, DE / Shanghai, CN.
2012/14 Fellowship, Creativity + Technology = Enterprise, Harvestworks and The Rockefeller Foundation, US
2012/15 European Research Council (ERC) Scholarship, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
2012 Andrew Grant Bequest Fund, Edinburgh College of Art, UK
2012 Alt-w Production Grant, New Media Scotland, UK
2011 Creative Scotland International Funding, UK


2025 LAS Art Foundation, New Work Commission for Lestes, DE
2022/24 Volkstheater Wien, Commission for a new cycle of 6 productions for the series Humane Methods by Fronte Vacuo, AT
2019 CDA Enghien & Romaeuropa Festival, New Work Commission for Humane Methods, FR/IT
2017/18 CTM Festival, New Work Commission for Eingeweide, DE
2015 4DSound, New Work Commission and Residency for 0-Infinity, HU
2014 transmediale / Art Hack Day, New Work Commission for Septic, DE
2013 STEIM, New Work Commission and Residency for Nigredo, NL
2012 European Conference of Promoters of New Music, New Work Commission for Ominous, BE
2011 Danish National School of Theatre and Contemporary Dance, Artistic Residency, DK
2011 New Media Scotland, Work Development and Residency, UK
2005 Laboratory of Stage Arts, New Work Technical Development, LV

Selected Performances

An * indicates a premiere. A complete list of performances can be viewed here.

2022 ℧R, arebyte Gallery, London, UK. With Fronte Vacuo.
2022 ΣXHALE, Volkstheater Wien, AT. With Fronte Vacuo.
2022 Eingeweide, Volkstheater Wien, AT
2022 ΣXHALE, tanzhaus nrw, Düsseldorf, DE. With Fronte Vacuo.
2022 ΣXHALE*, CTM Festival, Radialsystem, Berlin, DE. With Fronte Vacuo.
2021 Eingeweide, Kapelica Gallery, Ljubljana, SI
2021 Corpus Nil, Spazio Musica, Cagliari, IT
2021 Eingeweide, Donaufestival, Krems, AT
2021 Corpus Nil, Lunchmeat Festival, Prague, CZ
2020 ℧R*, Kontejner, Zagreb, HR. With Fronte Vacuo.
2019 Eingeweide, NEMO Biennale / HeK Basel, Paris, FR
2019 Eingeweide, Münchner Kammerspiele, Munich, DE
2019 Alia: Zǔ tài, MING Contemporary Art Museum, Shanghai, CN
2019 Alia: Zǔ tài*, Goethe-Institut Beijing, CN
2019 Eingeweide, NRW-Forum, Düsseldorf, DE
2018 Alia: Zǔ tài*, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, DE
2018 Ominous and Music for Flesh II, Oxford University, UK
2018 Eingeweide*, Romaeuropa Festival, Rome, IT
2018 Corpus Nil Bienal de Arte Digital, Rio de Janeiro, BR
2017 Ominous, Prix Ars Electronica Gala, Brucknerhaus, Linz, AT
2017 Music for Flesh II, IEM Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics, Graz, AT. Performed by Intrasonic Duo.
2016 Corpus Nil + Ominous, Voltaje, Feria del Millón, Bogotá, CO
2016 Corpus Nil, ZKM, Karlsruhe, DE
2016 Corpus Nil, Defibrillator Performance Art Gallery, Chicago, US
2015 Ominous + Music for Flesh II, NEMO Biennale / IRCAM Live, Gaite Lyrique, Paris, FR
2015 0-Infinity, TodaysArt / 4DSound, The Hague, NL
2015 Corpus Nil, NIME Int. Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Baton Rouge, US
2015 Ominous + Music for Flesh II, CTM Festival, Berlin, DE
2014 Ominous, FACT, Liverpool, UK
2014 Ominous, Sónar+D, Barcelona, ES
2014 Ominous + Music for Flesh II, STEIM, Amsterdam, NL. With Marije Baalman, Erfan Abdi.
2014 Ominous + Music for Flesh II, Experimental Intermedia, New York City, US. With Jaime Oliver.
2013 Ominous, RPM Sound Art China, Shanghai, CN
2013 Ominous + Music for Flesh II, TransitioMX, Mexico City, MX
2013 Ominous + Music for Flesh II, NYEAF New York Electronic Arts Festival, US
2013 Ominous, Linux Audio Conference, Graz, AT
2012 Hypo Chrysos, Panorama Festival, Rio de Janeiro, BR
2012 Ominous, ISCM World New Music Days, de Singel, Antwerp, BE
2012 Music for Flesh II, FILE Festival, SESC-SP, Sao Paulo, BR
2012 Music for Flesh II, Guthman New Musical Instrument Competition, Georgia Tech University, US
2011 Hypo Chrysos, Madatac Festival, CaixaForum, Madrid, ES
2011 Music for Flesh II, 4th Pure Data Convention, SEAM Studio, Weimar, DE
2011 I C::ntr::l Nature, WRO Biennale, Grotowosky Institute, Wroclaw, PL
2010 UKI, a viral performance by Shu Lea Cheang with Martin Howse, Piksel Festival, Bergen, NO. With Oscar Martin Correa, Joachim Montessuis, Alejandra Perez, Eleonora Oreggia, Julien Ottavi,
2010 I C::ntr::l Nature, Mapping Festival, Geneve, CH
2009 I C::ntr::l Nature, Netaudio Festival, Berlin, DE
2009 I C::ntr::l Nature, NEMO Festival, LeCube, Paris, FR
2009 Golden Shield Music, CCCB Centre of Contemporary Culture, Barcelona, ES
2008 I C::ntr::l Nature, Ausklang Festival, Hamburg, DE
2008 I C::ntr::l Nature, Vision’r Festival, Paris, FR
2007 I C::ntr::l Nature, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome, IT
2006 I C::ntr::l Nature, Venice Biennale, Venice, IT
2005 Autoctono, Live!iXem, Venice, IT

Selected Exhibitions

An * indicates solo exhibition. A complete list of exhibitions can be viewed here.

2022 Amygdala, Tieranatomisches Theater, Berlin, DE
2022 7 Configurations, Ming Contemporary Art Museum, Shanghai, CN
2022 Amygdala, Technischen Sammlungen, Dresden, DE
2021 Amygdala + Calyx, Kiblix, Maribor, SI
2020 Amygdala + Calyx + Alia: Zǔ tài, LABoral, Gijon, ES
2020 Inanis, interactive spatial sound composition. musikprotokoll, Graz, AT
2019 Amygdala + Calyx, Łaźnia Center for Contemporary Art, Gdansk, PL
2019 Amygdala + Calyx, Museo del Carme, Valencia, ES
2019 Eingeweide, MACRO, Museum of Contemporary Art, Rome, IT
2018 Amygdala, Ars Electronica Festival, Linz, AT
2018 Amygdala, UdK Graduiertenschule Final Show, Berlin, DE
2018 Amygdala, Robot Love, Eindhoven, NL
2018 Amygdala*, Baltan Laboratories, Eindhoven, NL
2017 Amygdala mki, UdK Berlin, Berlin, DE
2017 Corpus Nil, MUOArt Gallery, Beijing, CN
2017 Amygdala mki, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, DE
2015 Nigredo, musikprotokoll, Kunsthaus, Graz, AT
2014 Nigredo, Cynetart Festival, Dresden, DE
2014 Septic, transmediale, with Baptiste Caramiaux, Berlin, DE
2013 Nigredo, Sonic Acts, STEIM, Amsterdam, NL
2010 Golden Shield Music, Re-New Festival, Copenhagen, DK
2010 Golden Shield Music, Reykjavik Art Museum, IS
2009 Risveglio n.1: Venezia, Venice Biennale, Venice, IT
2007 High Spheres, Open Air Museum of Pedvale, Riga, LV.
2005 In-side, neon>campobase, Bologna, IT
2005 In-side, CareOf Gallery, Milan, IT

Selected Lectures

An * indicates a keynote.

2022 MoCo, International Conference on Movement and Computing, Chicago, US
2022 *Congresso Internacional de Arte, Ciência e Tecnologia, Belo Horizonte, BR
2022 Sound Design(ed) Futures, Université Gustave Eiffel, FR
2022 Institut Kunst und Kunsttheorie, Köln Universität, DE
2021 KI und Theater Symposium, Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus, DE
2021 EiDCT, Encontro interdisciplinar Dança, Cognição e Tecnologia, Uruguay, Brasil, Argentina.
2021 *Art Research Conference, UNATC, Bucharest, RO
2021 Cyborg in Law, Science and Arts, Online
2021 Politics of the Machine Conference, Berlin, DE
2021 Department of Theater, Drama and Contemporary Dance, Indiana University, Bloomington, US
2021 Audio Arts Columbia College, Chicago, US
2020 Taboo-Transgression-Transcendence in Art & Science, Online. With Margherita Pevere, Theresa Schubert, Patricia McCormack, Galerija Kapelica.
2020 Antistatic, International Festival for Contemporary Dance and Performance, Sofia, BG
2020 PAD Festival, Performing Arts & Digitalität, DADK, Darmstadt, DE
2019 Tribute to Leonardo, Panel, Palazzo Farnese, Rome, IT
2019 Performing Robots Conference, Utrecht, NL. With Kristina Andersen.
2019 NRW-Forum, Düsseldorf, DE. With Bettina Masuch.
2018 Oxford University, UK
2018 Ottawa Arts Center, Ottawa, CA
2018 Enjoy Complexity Symposium, Dortmund, DE
2018 CTM Festival, Berlin, DE
2017 Musicology Department, University of Oslo, Panel, Oslo, NO
2017 Prix Ars Electronica, Linz, AT
2017 Goethe-Institut Beijing, CN
2017 Long Night of Sciences, Berlin, DE
2016 iii Reading Room, The Hague, NL
2016 Future Fest, Panel, London, UK
2016 ZKM:GLOBALE, Karlsruhe, DE
2015 CHI, ACM Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, Seoul, KR. With Baptiste Caramiaux.
2015 Music Makers Hacklab MX, Mexico City, MX
2014 Interdisciplinary Musicology Conference, Berlin, DE
2014 NYU, New York University, US
2014 LISA Salon – Leaders in Software and Arts, New York City, US
2013 Chronus Art Center, Shanghai, CN
2013 IEEE GOLD, Zagreb, HR
2013 NIME, Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression , KAIST, Seoul, KR
2013 STEIM, Studio for Electro-Instrumental Music, Amsterdam, NL
2011 SIMCF, Seoul International Computer Music Festival, Seoul National University, KR
2011 PdCon, Pure Data Conference, Bauhaus Universität, Weimar, DE
2011 ICMC, International Computer Music Conference, Huddersfield University, UK
2011 Edinburgh Linux Users Group, Edinburgh Conference Center, UK